Installation issues
Hi :-), unfortunately when I tried to install my Sims 3 game the disc was not recognized. I did all sorts of maintenance on my PC trying to get ithe DVD drive running. In desperation I performed a complete Windows reinstall. Wouldn't you know my drive still won't work. Ha Ha Ha. Moreover all of my software and programs were of course removed. I do have backups of my Sims 2 and everything I deemed important.
Here is my main issue/problem...I can not even reinstall my Sims 2 games. Nothing is being recognized. lol Just my luck. I will be purchasing another drive on Friday. Until then, there won't be any new updates either Sims 2 nor Sims 3. This is not fun. I am extremely anxious to play my Sims 3 but will also continue to create for Sims 2.
I guess that's it for now.
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